naughtymeggy1001 posted an update 12 years, 11 months ago
I am so not a prude, but the use of “bitch” and “slut” to describe my slightly above-average sex drive truly offends me. Men who enjoy sex and seek to increase sexual experiences face no such negative nomenclature. Can we, at least HERE, stop calling women those names?
The problem is in using “bitch” and “slut” to describe an overactive sex drive — neither word is particularly amenable — I prefer the medicalized “hypersexual”, sounds like something involving chandeliers and swinging.
At one level, I get what you are saying here…I know I wasn’t brought up to say such things and there is nothing like an ultra-liberal college experience to make damn sure you know how not to speak to womyn. Also, as a man (and not aware of too many derogatory references for guys that could illicit such a visceral reaction in me), I respect that these words are very loaded. On the other hand, one does have to ask why they strike such a chord with you? In writing (and especially erotic writing), isn’t the point to provoke feelings and emotions? The mere fact that they get a strong reaction wouldn’t be enough to warrant their use, but the truth is that they tap into the core of peoples guilt and shame about sex and sexuality. Whether these words should be “reclaimed” and adopted proudly or continue to be perceived as negative and derrogatory (which may be precisely the point of their use and which some people like), it is hard to argue that they should not be used as a writer views as appropriate as they see fit…
I really appreciate the thoughtful responses from everyone. I have no objection to writers using these words or any others they choose, or really anyone using the words….but in a sexual situation with me, calling me a bitch or a slut is a surefire way to make me go completely cold. Turn off. I’ve been called bitch too many times by men “close” to me, and slut has no other connotation for me than negative, that the thought of these words being some kind of turn on is completely baffling. Sure, I can see taking the power out of them by reclaiming them for yourself, but I cannot see a circumstance in which being called either word would make my pussy wet or nipples hard. Being called those words has made me go from turned on to cold, icily hostile so fast your head would spin.
I like sex. That does NOT make me a slut.
I like kinky minx myself…… đŸ˜‰ Bitch and Slut are no-no’s for me too, they aren’t particularly offensive because I know I am neither by definition but anyone who says it to me goes down as unoriginal which puts them in my ‘unsexy’ book.