
  • Alix James posted an update 12 years, 9 months ago

    Thank you for this most recent post. It is a revealing look at how you are being affected by both the thrill and fears associated with your wife’s awakening and your own role within it. I have wondered myself how I would explain myself were my wife to discover my own indulgent ramblings and “affairs” which have now been posted in such a public way. I assume you have contemplated the same: what if she discovered you were Mr. X? What if she read this site? What if she knew her own thoughts had been laid bare here? How would she reconcile the person she knows with this person? It is a tricky balance and one I think you have done well, so thank you for and for the courage to put it out into the universe and see this through. I am serious when I say that I appreciate your situation and respect you greatly for it…


    • Thanks very much, Jsmes, and as always you get right to the heart of it. Hell, it’s fun….

    • The voyeuristic beauty of a flower as it begins to unfold and reveal itself, coupled with the behind the scenes labors of a miscevious botanist as he waters, fetilizes and pollinates (pistels and stamens both if you ask me) based on his intimate knowledge of the subject plants hardiness and vulnerabilities in an attempt to find the perfect mix of light, nurturing and growing conditions to coax that flower into full bloom just in time for the big show… It’s making “the Orchid Thief” seem tame!

      Remarkably original