
  • lexdepenny posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 8 years, 11 months ago

    A couple of weeks after that, I came home from work in mid-afternoon. The mid-summer weather was hot and sticky. My shirt had been sticking to my back in the office, so I thought I’d sneak off home and change. Our apartment was on the fourth floor of an art-deco building, with a balcony that ran across the whole front of the apartment and was accessible from both the bedroom and the living room. I let myself in and took off my outdoor shoes in deference to Penny’s lovingly-polished wooden floor. Wanting to cool off before putting on a fresh shirt, I decided to go out onto the balcony. As I swung the French door of the living room open to step outside, a movement caught my eye. The bedroom French door was also open at an angle, and the two doors were acting as a perfect mirror, sending a Pepper’s ghost reflection from inside the bedroom to where I was standing, just inside the living room. I stopped dead and watched.
    Penny was in the bedroom, and she had on the dress she’d worn at the restaurant. She was wearing a pair of formal, black high-heel shoes, which didn’t really go with the beige summer dress. She was standing in front of the big mirror, swishing the dress from side to side. I remained frozen, wondering what this was all about. Penny inspected herself from all angles, then unfastened the top buttons of the dress. She leaned over and examined herself in the mirror. I guessed she was working out what the waiter at the restaurant could have seen of her tits. She frowned and counted the opened buttons, then unfastened another one and repeated the performance. I couldn’t see what she could, but now the dress was as unbuttoned as at the restaurant and I knew that her pretty tits were on show. Penny seemed satisfied with the view and turned her attention to the buttons that fastened the skirt of the dress. She pulled a chair across in front of the mirror and sat down. She opened the buttons one at a time, starting from the hemline of the dress. After each button she studied the effect and the amount of leg she was revealing.
    Soon, the dress was as unfastened as at the restaurant, and Penny let the two halves of the dress fall open. She crossed her legs and I caught a flash of a little white triangle between them. She stood and gathered the dress behind her. Now the choice of the black shoes became clear. They were her highest heels and they tightened up her calves and buttocks beautifully. She slipped her knickers off, sat down and crossed her legs again. She tilted her head to either side, examining how she looked. Clearly it didn’t satisfy her, because she opened another button. Now her lower belly was uncovered. Penny combed her fingers through her bush, with a dissatisfied expression on her face. She stood up. I shrank back a little more into the shade of the living room. Penny went into the bathroom and emerged with her gold nail scissors in her hand. She took up her position in front of the mirror and began systematically to snip away at her pubic hair. A couple of minutes later, there was a little pile of raven curls on the floor between her feet. She raked her fingers through the stubble that was left, dragged the chair up again and resumed her previous position. I was too far away to see the detail, but I guessed Penny would be able to see the contours of her sex now. She uncrossed her legs and parted her thighs a little. She waved her hand, as if beckoning to a waiter. I was holding my breath. Then she spread her thighs wide. Even from that distance, I convinced myself I could make out the shape of her labia. The sight had an effect on Penny, too. She dug her fingers between her legs and rubbed herself furiously.
    My cock was twitching in sympathy. I considered leaping out and ravishing her, but I was curious to see how this would play out. Penny’s mouth was hanging open, getting close, when a sneaky idea came into my mind. I crept back out to the hallway and banged the front door. I strode straight into the bedroom, calling “Anyone home?” as I usually did.
    Penny was a dishevelled vision of sexiness. Her dress was still unfastened. She was bright pink, having, I imagine, leapt off the chair with shock. She tried to hide the scattering of pubic clippings with her foot. I looked down and raised an eyebrow.
    “We’re going to Klaus and Helena’s pool party this weekend, aren’t we? So I did a little trim,” Penny explained, very unconvincingly.
    “Can I see?” I asked, certain that Penny’s labia would be glowing pink and gooey.
    “Maybe later. I’m not quite finished.”
    “I’ll look forward to it,” I said and went to change my shirt before heading back to the office.
    The idea that Penny had a fantasy life that didn’t quite include me intrigued me, though. She could only have been reliving the scene at the restaurant, but with extras. I wondered whether it was that specific waiter or the fact of showing off that turned her on.

    • I think that she has a fantasy life does NOT include you, and you should be all the hotter for that. It also seems to me that Penny is a slightly hesitant exhibitionist and probably more fully enjoy being one with your deliberate display of her. You are so well suited, no wonder you got hitched.