
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 2 months ago

    What non-sexual things are sexy turn-ons for you, make you wet or hard, cause you to take another look or look longer, make you gasp, give you pause?

    • Patience

    • Hands
      Silky hair

    • I have heard about the Golden Rule and there is some app that takes your photo and evaluate your face to this ratio. I did it, and I am afraid, according to the analysis, I am no where near “beautiful.”

    • Oh wait, I did it with another analysis tool, and it says I’m “beautiful” now.

    • I have forgotten this song. Thanks, Luis, you’ve gone ahead and got me crying now.

    • You’ve got a way with me
      Somehow you got me to take steps
      Steps I’ve never considered
      Somehow you so clearly see inside me
      The me I bury and never let out
      You’ve got a way with me
      Relentless, patient
      It’s in the way you see inside
      Impressed me, got to me
      It’s in the way you lead me to edge of the cliff
      And I leaped