
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 3 months ago

    I have finished this, but what the heck, at least I started it…

    Weekend Getaway

    The strokes were long and smooth, I could hear only the inside of my own head. I could feel my body stretched, reaching. I felt strong, was doing only flip turns at both ends, no long open breaths, no breaks in rhythm… Swoosh, swoosh, breathe, glide, tuck, push, and extend… a mere second to rest and then kick like hell. I love the water, it does not end… it gives, but never relents. It can hold you, soothe you, or destroy you. I’ve felt each of these states, that I know all are there, is part of why I love it.

    Master walked out onto the deck and stopped next to the lounge chair where you sat alternately reading and being distracted by the splashing in the pool. The air was still and cool, your skin was tight, but not pimpled even though you were just as nude as we were. Your hand lifted and settled on Master’s leg just below the calf. It felt warm, comfortable, like you had found a spot that was made for your hand to rest upon.

    His head turned down toward you, and his low, easy ‘good morning beautiful’ cut the early morning quiet. You both smiled, just a small twist at the edges of your mouths, but in your eyes there was a deep glimmering that tugged and swelled the hope, and joy, and amazement inside. It seemed funny how all of it was just there that quickly… barely three words, and everything rose as if one more deep inhale would cause you to burst. Time and place receded into the distance.

    Slowly, eventually your eyes followed his back toward the pool and your hand began to slide up his leg lovingly fingering every contour, every striation. You cupped, squeezed, and then grazed along the edges of that pale firm cheek with your finger tips. His arm swung back and met yours, hands clasped. It felt warm, encompassing. He turned and sat facing you, it was done at a leisurely pace, but everything had been moving so slowly in your head it felt startling. You were both smiling again. “I can’t remember the last time I slept so soundly”, saying it made you giggle and look shyly down. “I expect I’ll never forget the reasons behind that.”, he said looking straight into you. Then the distance between your lips began to close, and his fingers were tracing the edge of your face, when they came together. Soft lips, moving in familiar, hungry ways against each other, parting and sucking. “I can’t tell if it really is incredible here, or if everything just seems so beautiful because we are all together. Do you find it hard to believe too?” You whispered along the back of his neck as his mouth traveled down your body.

    I answered, “yes” standing above you both wrapped in a thick white towel. Then I held my hair back, so I could lean down and kiss your belly without the wet strands falling against your skin. After a sweet, deliberate tasting, I stretched up over you so that I could kiss him too, my lips landed along the bottom of his ribs. Then I went back to your belly, only I was higher now. His hand began to wind itself into my hair, so I let my hand fall to play along the edges of your sides. When he lifted his fist and pulled my head up, I had already worked my thigh firmly between your legs. I was breathy when I replied to his inquiry, “Did my slave have a good swim?” Then his mouth fell hard on mine, and I realized my swoon was more than just the natural effect that he has on me. My blood sugar was low, and I suddenly felt ravenous and light headed both. “Master shall I fetch us all breakfast?” I was touching his face when I said it. My hand moved with his chin as he nodded yes.

    • Last night was the first this week I finally got into the water. It is in that water, I think about things to do, strategize, write, fantasize. Last night, my thoughts go to how to build the bridge to make three work. We must have been in the same intoxicating waters!

      • Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.

    • Oh, I think you just wrote the first paragraph of the next bit!

      As I walked away, he turned to you and cheerfully said, “shall we take a dip ourselves?”

    • Thank you, I couldn’t agree more, and exactly what I was going for… I’ll double your wistful sigh đŸ™‚