
  • lake posted an update 10 years, 3 months ago

    I stole this, but would love to get people’s reactions.

    “Your soulmate is not someone who comes into your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person who manages to revolutionize your world in a second.

    • I can see that.

      I also can see that person who comes and syncs up with your reality, makes you stop questioning, with whom there is only the after.

    • Agree let’s find more, let’s ponder the beautiful and wondrous and unlikely… Who doesn’t want to ride a unicorn 🙂

    • “Each and every soul will become consciously aware of the ability to communicate with the divine” ~Edward Cayce

    • “As with Maj. Ballou, death will eventually still my hand. I know that someday I will no longer be able to compose at this keyboard, that I will be unable to convey in words my deep and abiding love for C. I know that eventually my sexual fever will cool or her thirsts will be quenched, and all the activity that now envelopes us will become wicked memories. So I succumb to the temptation and write about her whenever the urge comes over me, stronger than arousal, more joyous than climax, more emotional than any sex. These posts are my love letters to her, and her orgasms are her love letters to me, orgasms that matter not to me where they come from or with whom.” -Tom Paine

    • Agree… “Reason is powerless in the expression of Love. Love alone is capable of revealing the truth of Love and being a Lover… If you want to live, die in Love; die in Love if you want to remain alive.” ~Rumi

    • Loving and learning about anthers love and desire makes for an interesting soup! I delight in learning more about my lover(S) with each passing day