
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 6 months ago


    “Looks good. On time. About half an hour, she’d be here.” Alex takes Rachel’s hand and guides her awkwardly toward some seats near the gate. Rachel fidgets quietly until he pulls her close to him. His arm around her waist, her hand on his torso. Their heads close. “I’ve got you,” he reassures her.

    From forty yards away, Nicole spots them. Her knee in motion, she bucks just a little. They are deep in a long kiss, lost in each other. Heat and tenderness. Her heart rate, on overdrive. Her legs, in slow motion. As if Alex is responding to the strong scent approaching, he jerks his head up to see that Nicole has arrived. He shoots up.

    His mouth is on Nicole.
    Her hands on his face, holding him where she wants him.
    His fingers winding and tugging her hair.
    Their body halves click together.
    His tongue tastes her mouth and he is quenched.
    Nicole’s nails clawing his cheeks, feeling the slight roughness.
    His hands swimming but tangled in the liquid silk.

    Alex’s hand firming propels Nicole by the small of her back. His other hand reaches to pull Rachel up.

    “Nicole, this is Rachel. Rachel, Nicole.”

    The two women eye each other. The air snapping with animosity. Alex can feel the pull of tension in his arms as he tries to pull them closer to him, to each other.

    “Hi Rachel, it’s good to meet to you,” Nicole stiffens to speak calmly, despite all the images flying, blinking in and out of her head. Her eyes examine the smooth softness of youth.

    “Yeah, it’s good to meet you too, Nicole. Alex has told me so much about you.” Rachel winces at how contrite she sounds. She wants to cower under the older, more knowing woman’s gaze.

    Nicole turns into and closer to Alex, whispering but her hiss loud enough to hear, “why did you bring her?”

    “Because I have bigger plans for you than fucking you six ways from Sunday in the airport lounge. I bet you took your panties off for me, didn’t you?”

    Before either woman can voice any further thought, Alex wraps his arms around both of them and led their walk out to hail a taxi. He ushers Rachael in first, then Nicole, before going in himself.

    Alex whispers into Nicole’s ear, “I love you, Sweetheart” while his hand peels her coat apart and her skirt up to reveal her thighs. He leans back, his brain absorbing and enjoying her vision. His intoxication accelerates. He is rolling as he shifts his stares back and forth from Nicole to Rachel. Alex pulls Nicole back onto his chest; his arms wrapped around her. Nicole rubs the back of her head against his chest; her weight sinks into him. His hand moves lower, to lift Nicole’s skirt even higher. Rachel’s eyes widen and sweep up Nicole’s thighs; she gasps at the shudder than rushes from her brain to lower regions. Nicole watches Rachel looking at her. She feels hot, the heat melts her. Alex’s fingers barely grazes her skin; her skirt moves up some more. Nicole becomes a pot of warm honey as Rachel fixates on the shiny, shimmering sweetness between her legs. She really did remove her panties for Alex. Nicole feels Rachel’s stare practically lapping at her pussy. The two gape and finally look into each others eyes. The back of the cab is so quiet yet filled with the hammering of heart beats and heaving of labored breathes.

    Alex reaches for Rachel by her chin, as if otherwise he’d drown.

    With his other arm tight around Nicole, he nestles her against his body and strokes her everywhere with his hand. Nicole basks in the familiar lust of Alex’s body but totally focused on Rachel’s mouth as she is drawn nearer, the crescent shape of it, the slight dent in the pout of her lower lip.

    Alex’s head crooks over Nicole’s shoulder to brush his lips across Rachel’s, his fingers caressing her face, his mouth moves closer to lock her lips.

    Nicole’s skin burns hot to his touch. Through the thin material of her clothes, he can feel smooth muscles of her abs, the hard bones of her hips, and the weight of her breasts. Feeling Nicole makes the edges and the core of his soul dissolve and it is as if he is part of her.

    Just by the way Alex grips her; he makes Rachel’s mouth open, her eyes glow, and her breathing fast. Faster and faster until everything is spinning around her and she forgets even her own name.

    Nicole bends forward and Rachel feels the warm, wet scrape of teeth across her collar bone. She can hear Nicole’s moans; they feel like her own as they grow shorter and coarser.

    Rachel’s hands fly out in jerky searches, finding Nicole’s thighs. She urges into Alex, wanting more of herself to pour into his mouth.

    Rachel’s hands send threads of pleasure rippling up and down Nicole’s legs. Fear pricks sharply at the back of Nicole’s neck. Her throat dry, her voice cracks, “We get to the hotel, I want you to watch Alex fuck me. Then I want to watch you fuck my husband.”

    • “hammering of heart beats and heaving of labored breathes” indeed, you have ratcheted up the emotion to a truly torturous level. Merciless tension makes me squirm.