Mallory replied to the topic
Untitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years ago
Rachel stares at her reflection, scrutinizing every detail of the skirt and top.
“Are you sure this looks okay?”
“YES, Rachel, it looks really HOT. This is the IT outfit. You’ve tried on everything in your closet already. I really think that looks great. You are smoking in it. Skirt not too tight, not too short. Not slutty. Just says you’re hot and you know how to dress. Soft, buttery top, just hints of tit. And what difference does it make? That perv just wants to take it all off you anyway. I’m worried about this for you, you know.
Rachel shakes her head, “No, don’t worry, really, Morg. He’s cool. I’m just meeting him for coffee at the Sacred Grounds at the Water Tower.”
Morgan frowns at her best friend, “You promise me that you’ll text me? I’ll call the police if you don’t.”
“I promise, Morgan, I promise, I swear. And Alex is really okay. I already know him from that seminar I took last year, you know. And I’ve been talking to him for like a year now.”
Morgan shakes her head doubtfully and grimaces, “A guy like that, talking to you from long distance, I bet he has a lot to hide and you don’t have any idea.”
“No, he is cool. I really know him enough and I feel good about the important stuff. I will exercise extreme caution and judgment. And I gotta go! I’m gonna be late.”
A short time later, Rachel arrives at the mall. Making her way to the mezzanine level to the cafe, she checks her phone for the time. She sighs in relief. The timing is perfect, she is ten minutes early, enough time to calm down and check her makeup again. Alex arrives right on time and spots Rachel instantly. The last three yards moves in slow motion. She stands up, he appears beside her. They take each others’ hands. They stare into the others’ eyes.
“You’re here.”
“Hi. Wow.”
“Yeah, wow…….uh….. wow.”
Alex clears his throat. Rachel lets out a cough. They look at each other again and start laughing.
He makes a painful face, “wow,” and laughs again. “I’m doing it again. Let me start over. Hi Rachel, it is really good to see you again. You look terrific.”
Rachel, laughing, giggling even, “Hi Alex, yeah… I think I need to sit down.”
He takes her arm, guiding themselves through the tables. “Let’s find something with less traffic and get some coffee.”
The two of them find a table off the side and sit down. While waiting for their coffee, Alex takes a small box from his coat. Putting it on the table and opening it, revealing six chocolate chip cookies.
“Nicole made these for us. Her extra thin, extra crispy chocolate chip cookies.”
Rachel takes one and looks at it, “Really thin. She bakes too, huh?”
Alex smiles a goofy smile, “yeah she bakes, but I do the cooking. She can’t cook and I can’t bake.”
She bites into the paper thin, chocolate sweetness, “God,” she gulps, “this is so good it is evil.”
Between bits of small talk and sips of coffee, they finish the cookies. Alex reaches for Rachel’s hand.
“Let’s take a walk around the mall. We can window shop and talk some more.”
Alex holds Rachel’s hand. Together, they take a stroll through the mall. Soon they start deconstructing the window displays and analyzing the marketing effectiveness of the story the window tries to tell, whether it surprises the consumer, grabs attention, creates a desire, sells a fantasy.
“Oh look, Alex, there is Bebe. I love their stuff. Let’s go in.”
“Sure, let’s.” Taking note of the ultra skimpy, sexy apparel, he already loves their stuff too.
Alex chuckles as Rachel flocks over to the racks of clothes, skimming through the selections. He tags along behind her, surveying the merchandise.
“Hey Rach, how about some shoes? What size are you?”
She looks behind her at him, “I need shoes, actually. Size 7. You going to pick some out for me?”
“Yes, I am,” and he searches for a salesperson.
Alex sits down on a seat facing the back of the store and waits for the two pairs of shoes he picked out.
“Come over, Rachel, let’s have you try these on,” he calls over to her and ushers the salesperson away.
As Rachel sits down, Alex kneels in front of her, removing the first pair from the box. Looking up at her, gazing into her eyes, he cradles her calf and her ankle, then removes her shoes. Placing one bare foot on his thigh, he looks long and lingering at her thigh before slipping the first shoe on. Tracing his fingers lightly on the other knee, he lifts her other foot further up on his thigh. She gasps. He feels the slight tremble on her leg as he slips the other shoe on her. She looks down at him. On one bent knee now and a sexy grin, he moves slightly back, and tells her to give them a try now.
“Let me see you walk all the way to the front and back, let me see if they work.”
Rachel can feel his eyes licking her as she walks away toward the front of the store. Then she turns to come back toward Alex, boldly calling out to him with her body, the glide of her legs and meow of those high heeled, strappy shoes.
She tosses her head back and run her hands through her hair before anchoring them on her hips, “do they work?”
Alex nods and straightens up, strolling slowly to her, “These are okay, but let’s try the other pair on too.”
Then he leans in closer to whisper into Rachel’s ear, “Go the dressing room now and try on that little dress. Take your panties off and leave them in the dressing room. NO touching, you understand?”
She giggles and nods her head yes. While waiting for her to return, Alex prepares the second pair of shoes, unlacing them carefully. Once again, Alex kneels in front of her when Rachel comes back in the very short, body hugging dress. He places both hands on her knees and push her legs together before taking the first pair of shoes off.
With his head bent, concentrating on slipping one of the second pair on her foot, he asks, “do you think you’re wet, Rachel? Don’t say anything. Spread your legs a little for a yes.”
Her legs move apart a little.
He starts to lace up the shoe.
“Do you wish I’m staring at your pussy now?”
Her legs hesitate, then move apart some more.
He finishes tying the first shoe.
“Do you wish I’m eating your pussy now?”
She squirms and spreads.
He slips the second shoe on.
“Are you thinking about my cock?”
Rachel whimpers; the dress sliding dangerously high as legs move again.
Alex starts to lace up again.
“Are you getting soaked? Are you going to leave a wet spot?”
She lets out panting gasps while her thighs come together a little just before she spreads them some more.
He finishes lacing up the second shoe and runs both hands up from Rachel’s knees to her thighs. Then he dips his fingers onto her inner thighs, skimming the soft hot flesh before pressing his finger prints there. Swiftly he pulls the dress back down and presses her legs together.
“Well now, let’s have a look at how these look. Take a walk. See how these feel.”
Rachel leans down; her lips tremble a little and whisper, “I’m not sure I can stand up straight, much less walk. You got me shaking, Alex.”
He smiles and gestures his head to signal his confidence in her. When she does get up, she sways a little before gaining enough balance to push her hips forward and her shoulders back. He watches her long strides and the lifting of those tone legs, like a mare trotting leg extensions. And then he gazes at her hypnotically swaying hips and ass. And when she turns to come toward him, face guileless, strutting a body for sin, Alex stands up to meet her.
“I think you should get these shoes. And the dress. I especially like these pretty buttons.”
She nods, in a trance, “okay.”
With shopping bags in toll, the two make their way over to the parking lot for Rachel’s car. After putting the bags in the trunk, Alex drops the car keys in her palm. Gathering Rachel in his arms, he presses his face into hers. He rubs his cheek on hers, feeling her body soft and hot against his. She couldn’t stand the long minutes, wanting more, she seeks out his lips. He holds back, barely rubbing his lips on hers, his tongue licking just the pout of her lower lip. Rachel presses herself closer, whimpering, trying to find his lips with hers. She is feverish by the time Alex brings his mouth down on hers, kissing her, and then kissing her harder. And when he pushes his tongue into her open mouth, he is muffling her not-so-quiet moans. When they come up for air, Alex pushes himself away a little, bringing his hands up to caress the back of her head and neck.
He stares into her eyes, “Have dinner with me tomorrow night. At Everest, 6pm?”
Rachel, disoriented and panting, “Tomorrow? Dinner?”
“Yes, you know the place?”
She gives him a confused look, “Yeah… but what about now?”
Alex brushes her cheek with his fingers, “Now? Now I want you to get home safe. Get home and process. I want you to be sure, Rachel.”
But I doubt I made you blush… yet.
You are a charmer, Luis. Maybe you should be the one to seduce Rachel. I am soliciting ideas. So, how would you do it? Or what do you want to read next?
Holy hell…
Yep, that is definitely working for me. I love the way you are flipping from each point of view and making every step an incredibly inventive erotic experience in and off itself.
I’d have to say steam not sauna cause things are certainly hot and wet over here!
I would love your ideas on what next, to keep you hot and wet over there, @lake.
I don’t want to give my ideas, because what you come up with is always better than what I am imagining! And the surprises and twists always floor me! But I’ll ramble for a bit and maybe you can take something from it.
I am totally into the progression of the story, but also very interested in understanding more of the motivations, desires, vulnerabilities, and fears… particularly Nicole’s. Both the breadth as well as the depth of certain ones. That way, as we watch things play out, we can ride along and be moved by the emotional journey she takes in addition to the adventures they all have… Being not just aroused, but provoked, and challenged ourselves. I want desperately to fall in love with Nicole myself, which means I have to feel I really know her or at least aspects of her… taste her most intimate thoughts, see her surprising insecurities, have a sense of what matters most to her. I want to catch myself angry and straining when she is hurt, be trepidatious and protective when she takes those stunning and scary steps, be exhilarated and proud when she succeeds, be inspired by the worlds she discovers. It’s ambitious, but you are already doing it.
Maybe some (or really more of these types of) things along these lines:
Her own physical attraction and desire toward Rachael individually… How into women is she actually? What does she like about them? Does Rachael have it in spades? Does she have any concerns about being with her? What does she imagine getting for herself from Rachael? How much of the interplay is for her, how much is for him?
More on her mental arousal from Alex’s attraction to Rachael, what things make her heart tight, which her belly and cunt? Which things make her heart warm, which make it stop cold? What things did she love about what he’s done, which things was she not as happy about. You’ve already been doing this, and I only want more, those parts really affect me. I like to tie into the person’s emotions, know that the author really understands them and has made her real, I also like to know the author understands the tension I am feeling because of knowing her and becoming attached, and understanding the risks.
I also really want to see Nicole evolve her relationship with Adam. I liked Adam and want more of him. Plus, in my twisted mind, it makes me feel more comfortable with the whole set up. I am a big believer in the idea that people understand each other better when they’ve directly experienced things from the other’s perspective. When Nicole talks to Alex about how she’s reacting to something, I want him to have perspective and empathy. Maybe even have had to face his own similar reaction at some point. Likewise when he is explaining himself, I want her to have a frame of reference in which it makes sense.
Sounds like you and I are kindred spirits on what we find hot reading material. I very much appreciate your input and comments.
Least one can do … This story is too good not to keep it going!
My long overdue comments are quite simple. Well played…on many levels, from the awkwardness, to the directness of Alex in asking Rachel to “perform” certain acts for him which he knew (or strongly suspected) would have an immediate and undenyable affect on her arousal…to the start/stop full throttle/full brake abruptness that is a hallmark of the excitement and eagerness and “reality check” moments in very new relationships, as well as the very deliberate and purposeful acts which help establish trust and submission in a D/s relationship.
Plus, I swear that the “shoe salesman” has got to be a true vouyuers absolute dream job. Make no mistake, I imagine that there are more than a few men (and women) who would take that job for no pay (getting paid is like an uneccessary bonus!!!). O bviously I am not sure that I would like the job overall, but I love fashion, I Love women’s shoes, I LOVE attractive fashionable women…I swear someday, I should find a way to work for free for a week as a shoe saleman at Barney’s…I am certain that I would get quite a show!!!
Oh, wait, I was commenting about how smoking hot this was and got distracted but he shoe “salesman” scene” damn…I can’t get past how fucking hot shoes and dressing rooms and trying things on and taking things off and flashing and toying and teasing one another in these ways really is for me. Holy Hell!