
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago

    Valentine Experiment

    Saint Valentine’s Day was originally (and still is) a Roman Catholic feast day, commemorating the life of a certain Valentinus, who was martyred in Rome some time in the 3rd Century A.D. The story is, while he was imprisoned for serving as a Christian priest, he healed the jailer’s daughter from blindness and apparently, fell in love with her. Before he was taken away for execution, he left her a note signed, “Your Valentine.” Thus, the card-giving tradition was born.

    The Experiment is week is pen note to Your Valentine, in 50 words or less, conveying your devotion (be it sexual, romantic, eternal, friendly, hope-for-more, etc). Present and offer your note in some unpredictable way. Share the note with us, share the result with us, or share both!

    • Good experiment; time to walk the walk… And I do depend on y’all to push me along this path of being ever more romantic (there is a lot of room to grow!)

    • Thank you, Luis. I am very happy it brought you intense emotions.

    • Ah but you did still share so much… I enjoy so much expressions of excitement and adoration and arousal, but also of course love. This made me feel so warm and happy.

    • My life means much more.
      Most important aspect of my life.
      My encouragement and courage.
      Kept me in the game, made it possible for me to hope, become better.
      A dominant force in how I define myself.
      Because of you, I have passion to fuel my will to keep going.

    • Alright, I wasn’t going to share, cause I’m shy about this (I don’t consider myself particularly poetic or romantic), but I’ve really enjoyed the way others have gone for it, and reading what’s been shared… and I’m nothing if not a joiner… so… here goes nothing.

      I keep a small notebook in my purse, at times when I have a particularly clear thought about him or us, or what I am feeling. I open it to a clean page write the date and then pen a note. Sometimes it’s ten words, sometimes it is the whole page. Sometimes it is a quick sketch. Always with the intent to just give him the whole book for Valentine’s Day.

      After I read Mallory’s experiment, I opened a new page and wrote the following:

      Let me rest my hand on your face and gaze into the depth of your eyes, so I can inhale… feel and know all the good I believe exists in the world is real.

      Let the power of your being invade me.

      Let me rest my hand on your heart and cross over and into you, so I can exhale… feel and know all the good I believe exists in me is real.

      Let the power of our being inspire.

      I also love quotes, lyrics, and inspirational saying, groups of words that in short concise ways convey a world of meaning. I am always finding these little treasures and I love to collect and share them. I try not to overdo it, and so I spread around where I am sending or posting them. Yesterday, I didn’t really hold back (so this was probably as much for me as for anyone else), but in rounds sent several during the day to multiple people (yes multiple times to some of the same people) all song lyrics. I was mostly going for warm fuzzies… no other note, just the lyric. Ones like these.

      “Life is a game made for everyone, and love is the prize.”
      ~AVICII from the song ‘Wake Me Up

      “I can’t find nothing feels so fine as loving a good hearted man.”
      ~Tift Merritt from the song ‘Good Hearted Man’

      • First of all, how you can keep and fill the content this notebook, and do not consider yourself romantic is beyond me. It is incredibly romantic and more importantly, memorializes and cherishes those fleeting moments and those significant memories.

    • I stole the idea, #5 did it for me, that book is own of my most treasured possessions. We should all steal the idea.

    • They may not be writing it down Luis, but i know you too well not to know there are women out there filling their book on you in their minds.

    • Sorry I’m late (as usual), but how could I resist the challenge of expressing myself within limits (particularly when I’m prone to being verbose)? Context: long-distance writer friend I’ve had warm feelings for over the better part of a decade, but for whatever reason (long distance or either/both of us being in relationships with other people) nothing could ever happen between him and me.

      “All we’ve ever done is dance. Three thousand miles and seven years of dancing, but I don’t mind. I tried to trace your name with my bike on a snowy field, but the corners were too sharp. It turns out, I needed a whole city to write out your name.”

      • How I love when all you can do is dance and your mind go crazy imagining what it would be like for more.

      • Loved it Ellasaria! Reminded me of one of my long time favorites:

        “In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”
        ― Rumi

        • Rumi always says it much better than I ever could. 😀

          I’ve admitted to this person that I would be glad to assist him with his involuntary celibacy problem, but I suppose it speaks to his character that he turned me down due to our history (and the fact that we’re too far apart for it to go anywhere).

          • You are a Diva Ms EllariaSand… I have a hard time imagining there are not true fans gathered near you. Do you turn your gaze on these poor devoted souls? Let them a turn to court you as well? Is it always the huntress in you that chooses?