
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago


    I swear to God I want to start one. I need to start one. I can not settle, I can not push everything I want and need and desire aside. I require it be part of every day. I want to cry and be moved and reach so deep inside another that we both tremble with fear and power and bliss. Every day! What I know is, it can be done. It doesn’t have to be sexual. You just have to be true to yourself. Find something that takes you back to who you are today. I don’t care if it is an out of control frolic with your puppy, a mind meld with your best friend, a hot bath and favorite opera, hot yoga or a samurai sword class, sweeping your lover up and into the most worshipful assault possible… Find it. Promise me you will. Promise yourself right now.

    I had dinner with a girlfriend (platonic actual friend only girlfriend) last night. I am absolutely on fire today (okay, yes she is ridiculously hot, but I swear my thoughts were pure, well, you know what I mean). This can be done. I sex texted with M earlier in the week and woke up feeling the way I would after a hard night of fucking basking in his buzzing energy, inner beauty, and taste. This is not out of reach. The question is are we reaching? I had a first date risked everything with someone I barely know. It turned out great. I held transformational meetings at work. I told my husband I was grateful for him in a way I have not done in a long time. I changed people and they changed me.

    Are you playing your head phones to loud sometimes? When you run, do you ever go as hard and fast as you possibly can, for as long as you can?

    Doesn’t it strike everyone how powerful and simple and doable all of everyone’s experiences posted here are?! We read them we want them… We must go and get them. Find a gorgeously appointed corner, a damn beach or paradise! The perfect truffle. I can not persuade myself that anything else is even semi rational today. I will seize this life, I will take it by the throat and I will have what I want from it! Get inside some one today, better yet do it NOW if at all possible… You know it feels so fucking good.

    • So come now tell… Did you? There is still time you know.

    • Yes, I did. We pushed aside a week’s exhaustion. He gave me his time; he stayed. He came for me. I took a bath. I came for him.

    • Thank You Mallory. This makes me very happy. I love to know as a species, we are out there living this life, not just bearing it, not just surviving it, but really living it, it makes all the difference. I know what a struggle it is, but we have to fight for this level of inclusion. Savor those nights. I found my moments… too short and too few, but there. I will run very hard today 🙂