
  • vikkki posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    Making love is an integral part of most couple’s lives and while some couples stick to the basic peaches and cream variety of sex, others opt to venture into more dangerous territory, hence rough sex.
    But don’t get me wrong; rough sex need not involve violence (unless she’s into that sort of thing), it can be, however, whatever you want it to be and you can take it as far as you and your woman are willing to go.

    Mildly sadistic behavior has become a widespread phenomenon in the bedroom and today’s sex tip is all about showing your woman who the boss of the bedroom is. Uh, that would be you, buddy.

    • The “boss” in the bedroom is the mastery of keeping the love making and sex hot and the desire, insatiable.

      • Too true @mal8899!

        It is easy to forget that having a sexual relationship (even a very good one) is not the same as relating with someone sexually!!!

        Those of you that know me probably don’t have to guess which one I believe is the more important one!