
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years, 1 month ago


    Alex finishes dressing, putting in the notch to his belt, and then putting his jacket back on. Still staring at the naked body sprawled across his office floor, he playfully whips his tie across her ass. She moans. He bends down to turn her over. She winces and moans again.

    “Did I hurt you?” he looks at her more closely and asks anxiously.

    She nods, “Lotion doesn’t … work…… well.”

    “Come on, let’s go home and I’ll take care of you. I’m sorry, Sweetheart, I was too rough.”

    Alex helps Nicole up onto her feet. Gathering her clothes, he kneels at her feet, helping her get her legs into her panties and pants. When they are done, he looks at her.

    “You need to get your hair back into those braids, I messed you up. Do you have a mirror in the gym bag?”

    “Yeah, it’s over there, and get my brush.”

    After a few minutes, they are ready to leave. Alex calls down to ask George to get a car. He holds Nicole tight around the circle of his arm until he gently helps her into the car. The backseat is spacious and he pulls her back onto his chest, her head under his chin, her back on his torso. Wrapping his arms around her, he can feel her relax and meld into him, just as she should. He unbraids her hair carefully. As she doses off to sleep, he strokes her hair. His other hand on her chest, he feels her slow, serene heartbeat all the way home.

    “Nic, wake up, we’re home, Sweetheart. You go in and relax. I’m going to start the bath for us.”

    “Umm, okay, I’ll bring that dessert in with us.”

    It takes a good bit of time to fill their tub, giving Alex time to find the lavender epsom salts.

    “That smells wonderful. May I join you, handsome?”

    “Yes, come on in, sexy, there is room for two.”

    Getting into the tub, leaning back and relaxing on Alex’s chest again. The two of them quiet, stroking each others limbs. After relaxing some himself, Alex takes the small dish and spoon from the dessert box. He feeds Nicole a spoon of the creme brulee before tasting some himself. She turns to look at Alex; the two of them smile coyly at each other as they taste the voluptuous, silky custard in their mouths.

    “I see you’ve brought us the sexiest dessert,” he teases her.

    “Sexy? I just thought it would be yummy.”

    “Oh no, creme brulee is a very sexy dessert.”

    Trying to keep a straight face, she challenges him, “Is that a line, Mr. Wilde? I must say, I have not heard of it before.”

    “Oh no, not a line. Creme brulee is made sexy with delicious egg yolks and cream, tempering the mixture to increase its temperature slowly, a little more heat at a time, and finally coagulating in The Bath.”

    “So like no egg whites? I’m not even getting a little nutrition from this?”

    “Nope, no egg whites. Do you know why?”

    Shaking her head with her best look of innocence, “No idea. Why?”

    “The egg whites make it clumpy, and lumpy is not sexy.”

    Batting her eyelashes at Alex, “Ohhhhhhhhh you are referring to the denaturing of protein?”

    They both burst out laughing, relishing their private joke.

    Alex turns the hot water back on low and takes the sponge to Nicole’s back and neck.

    “God, I still remember our first date, and that creme brulee. Are you feeling better now, Sweetheart?” he asks with a frown.

    Nicole nods reassuringly, “yeah, I feel like I have no bones. You may have to carry me to bed and tuck me in. ”

    “I’d love to.”

    “But no more virgin ass for you for a few days.” She lets out an exaggerated moan.

    Nicole turns a little to look up at Alex, with a lifted left eyebrow. “And how is your little coed groupie?” she asks.

    Holding her tighter, Alex sucks a deep breath in, “I have to go check out our Chicago operation with a team, probably be there a week or a little more. I was chatting with Rachel and I asked her to meet me, meet us.”

    “In Chicago?? I thought she’s in California?”

    “Yes, she was. She is home on break, in Chicago. I am planning to fly out next Sunday and come back the next Wednesday. Can you come with me or come for part of that?”

    Nicole flips around in the water, putting her face on his chest, licking his nipple, “For sure I can’t come with you; I have a bunch of cases. Maybe join you for a couple of days if I cancel hours, but I have to see my schedule first. When did you work all this out with her?”

    “Not worked out exactly. She texted me the other day from the airport on her way home. I had Chicago on my agenda, so I asked her if she would meet me. And then I asked her if she’d meet both of us.”

    “Texted you? When did you start doing that? And what did she say?” Nicole pushed herself up on her elbows to look at Alex.

    “She seemed excited about it. Wasn’t sure about you, but more like because she doesn’t know you, I think.

    Nicole waits for him to continue, thinking that’s why he hasn’t mentioned Rachel recently or copied her on some of their email plays. Things didn’t cool down, they heated up.

    Sheepishly, he answers her other question, “We’ve been texting for a couple of months, or a little more. She suggested it, easier to chat…more, stay in touch, you know with her running to classes all day, the time difference…..”

    “If I can’t come, would you meet her?”

    “I really want US to meet her, for the three of us to get know each other, to see if the three of us would get along.”

    Alex pauses. “But yeah, I would still like to meet her. Even if not to fulfill the fantasy, just have some real face time. Nobody makes my fantasies come true like you do.”

    “I’m not eighteen.”

    “She is older than that.”

    “Is she? How do you know for sure? I want you to authenticate with her driver’s license. And I’ll pack some condoms for you.”

    “Jeezzzz Nicole!! I just thought I, we, meet her.”

    “You want to fuck her. And I think she wants to fuck you from what I’ve seen. If she gives you the green light, you’re gonna fuck her. Right? So you need to be prepared.”

    Alex strokes her jawline, “I love you so much Nicole. This is just …..fucking.”

    She smiles softly at him, “I know what it is. And I love you. And we have more than love.”

    He kisses the top of her head, “Yeah, we do. We’re so lucky. I’m so damn lucky.”

    Nicole’s face gets serious and in a low voice, she says, “She is always talking about fucking her ass. What are you going to do with that?”

    He frowns and shakes his head, “No. NO. That’s special, something just you and I share.”

    Nicole is quiet for a few minutes thinking. Some little coed spread her ass for him and he won’t do it? Or won’t do it and not regret it?

    “I want to make sure we remove a bad outcome from this. If she wiggles that ass in front of you, I know you, you’re going to fuck it. And if you do, it won’t change anything for us. You are still my first and I am still yours.”

    “You’re right, about all of it. Nothing changes us.”

    “We accept and trust each other, Sweetheart. She won’t take away anything from us. Maybe add, but not take away. That’s how I see it.”

    With that, Nicole takes a deep breath and dives under the water, between his legs, taking his erection into her mouth. Alex jerks and slips down further at her shocking dive. Watching her hair streaming, elongating and floating on the water, thinking about Rachel, he wonders now at Nicole’s prompting, just how little more than eighteen is she, just how tight is that ass. Alex could not decipher between the heat and pressure of her mouth versus that of the water. He is gasping hard for air, as if it is his lungs under water. He gasps, he thrusts. He is released for a split second before Nicole dives back down his cock. He labors hard with near manic gasps. He grips the sides of the tub, filled with panic, fear and novelty, he floods her mouth.

    “I’m a prune,” Nicole declares, “let’s get out of the water, stud.”

    Looking at her shriveled fingers, the image of a second third person crosses her mind.

    • Luis-
      I think you have touched on something with your comment, but I would like to give it a slightly different spin…what I would like to believe is a responsible “dominant mans” view of pushing Nicole to meet Rachel. Apologies in advance to @Mal8899 for attempting to deconstruct her beautiful story in a way that may be less than tittilating, but I assure you it may still be provocative. First, and foremost Alex’s desire for Nicole to join them is driven by HONESTY. There is something incredibly powerful about relating to another in a fully expressed and disclosed way. When it comes to sex and sexuality, that really is a radical departure from the way most people do relate, but one can hardly find fault in such an approach.

      Second, it has to do with Alex’s wants and desires and needs…agree or disagree with his decisions, at the end of the day, I have learned that one really can not judge without knowing the full picture. Obviously Nicole has determined that for better or worse (and as uncomfortable as it undoubtedly makes her at times) that she would rather ACCEPT this part of who he is rather than try to change him (or worse have him lie to her and do it behind her back anyway!). It is clear that Nicole is a relentlessly sexual creature herself. That is part of why she “gets” Alex, but on the other hand, she hasn’t totally figured out a way to express that in all the ways she might like (something tells me Adam may be able to assist her is doing just that with Alex!).

      Third, it is about taking a risk. The only way to find out if there is a way to live a better richer, more expressed and fulfilled life is to try. Sometimes that does require “pushing” a partner to take those risks.

      Not to get all existential, but I have learned over the course of my life that the risks (even the real ones) are really never as great as they often seem and the consequences of failure are never as bad as we imagine possible. IF we are approach the risks we do take in life in an honest and earnest way (i.e. we really try!) and we make the effort to really process and understand our feelings during and after having taken them, It has been my experience that this is the only way to truly learn and discover how I feel about such things…the only way to truly “know” myself. Say what you will about the type of person that lives their life that way (and I do not judge others who truly seem to have “found” themselves in different ways or through other methods), but I believe that the only way that I can relate with others as fully and competently and deeply as I desire, then I MUST go through such a process.

      If one extrapolates from that, if one accepts that others may also benefit from the knowledge and understanding (and confidence) that such a process might create for them (if it allows THEM to “know” how they feel and learn what they truly desire and need most in their lives), and I believe that a person that I want to get to know better or that I am involved with might be that type of person…might benefit from pushing them to try something different, to explore themselves in these same ways, in fact might have already realized as much about themselves and want or need someone that they trust and have confidence in to help SHOW them how to do just that. In that instance, you can be certain that I WOULD challenge and provoke and seek to inspire them to do just that…in all likelihood for THEIR benefit and for OUR relationship, every bit as much as I might be doing something for me!!!

      The “stakes” are obviously higher when we our relationship become intimate, and much higher still when we enter into a committed relationship, even if it is not “exclusive”. (ps…this is a truth that becomes significantly more acute and even more complex over time, and as we deepen our commitment and interlace our practical day to day lives even further), but by my way of thinking, this is what makes taking all those risks along the way, even that much more important, because the LAST thing anyone should ever want to do is to enter into a lifelong commitment with another and then wake up one day to discover that somehow they are living a life that doesn’t really won’t make them happy or fulfilled, or worse, truly doesn’t work for them and is making them act out and behave in ways that isn’t cause actual pain or suffering or harm to others (mental, physical or emotional).

      Now, I wouldn’t characterize Alex as “fucking” Nicole in this situation in anything but the most literal sense of that word, and I definitely wouldn’t characterize Alex’s appealing to Nicole’s innate sexuality as “taking advantage” of her, but those are just gripes about the semantics (and I do understand that English is not @Luis‘s native language so I presume that he wasn’t suggesting anything of the sort), but I liked his expression because there IS some truth in what he said, even if it did touch on what IS a highly loaded subject in the BDSM community (equality, manipulation and consent) and others MIGHT have read his language and misconstrued what he was saying as a result of HOW he said it.

      I just can’t wait to learn Alex’ reaction when the proverbial “shoe” finds itself on the other foot!!!


    • Fair enough…you are absolutely correct. I guess the honesty partcomes into play when trying to MANAGE how to pursue those…well…primary…motivations!

      See…I knew that my trying to analyze this story would miss a few marks…I guess the central question I would have for you Luis is about the differences in social attitudes and mores in Europe vs. the US. You see we generally have a problem in the US of admitting that while lust and desire IS a fundamental truth, we have a hard time reconciling that with how it might reconcile with the notion of a committed relationship.

      Call it a deeply ingrained mistrust of it (its dangerous, its reckless, it’s risky) which leads to repressing it, not talking about it, or outright stifling it (despite the endless trail of obvious consequences which result from doing so!) as opposed to a healthier one of acceptance and understanding and working with our partners to accommodate or allow its expression if doing so might make our relationships stronger! Call it sexual colonialism!

    • Well, the term “sexual colonialism” is just something I made up, so the fact that you had no idea what it meant has nothing to do with any language barrier, but I think that the rest of your response is very helpful in illustrating the concept that I was trying to put forth in using that term. Follow the heart and override oneself is an expression that, while a curious construction of the English language,I happen to absolutely LOVE! Bravo, for adding such a beautiful expression to my own personal vocabulary. I am serious, whether you intended for it to be witty or not, it perfectly expresses the thought in English, but in a way a native English speaker would almost certainly never have been able to do!

      Now, while we DO share a great deal in common in terms of customs and traditions, I do have to point out that I have had quite a few good French, Spanish and Italian friends over the years, and while there may not be a distinct difference in social mores (what is acceptable and how people are living) there is at least some difference in attitudes (or at least the MEANING of) sexuality and relationships. But here is where I think the difference lies…it is in Americans ability to listen clearly to their heart…or worse wanting something that isn’t theirs or that they haven’t lived or worked hard enough to deserve.

      Ironically, that notion also adds another interetingdimension to what I meant by “sexual colonialism”. What I was hoping to suggest is that we have a entitled, possessive society. While some might argue that is true in ALL areas, I have never seen it used about sexuality, but in truth, it is equally appropriate in isolation from all the other ways we are entitled and possessive. The twist is that relationships and sexuality are inherently matters of a less than logical nature…desire and attraction and lust, and they are ill-suited to being strictly defined or limited. There is little that might wither as quickly under a repressive “regime” as love and sexual desire. Oh, it can be ordered and controlledbut only for a while. The key point was that when one tries to conquer and capture and possess not a person, but the things that they represent, then we are no better than colonial settlers holding fast to our most recent acquisition. Now, if you add in the notion of the colonialists are following their “hearts” desires to possess, but not respecting the truth about sexuality and human nature (that while we may possess other things, we never truly own them until it is given to you freely) then I guess my obscure analogy might make more sense.

      I could not agree any more with what you have said, and I hope that I was able to try and explain what I meant by “sexual colonialism” more eloquently the second time around!


    • @luis and @A.James, may I ask you gentlemen to use the Comment button instead Reply at this point because the truncated format is getting too difficult to read.

    • It occurs to me that when we watch movies we often do cheer for exactly this Luis, that the leads ‘should follow their hearts and mortify’. In movies we value and demand romance and courage, expression and passion.

      But in real life, so often don’t we do the opposite? Value and encourage being in line, doing what is expected. Building stability, predictability, controlling.

      Maybe it is because in real life, consequences are just that, ‘real’ and not so easy to filter.

      That we follow our hearts is what most would wish, but to mortify… That is what few would do.

      There is a song lyric with the chorus, “Burn it all down and leave only you. Let nothing stand in the place of your truth”

      P.s. I for one am all for driving up Nicole’s lust for Rachael! And yes that is all just about me being a perv… Honest! 🙂

      • P.s.s. I think it’s quite obvious where I was going to land on this part, but I’ll go ahead and state it, if she is not there in Chicago with him and Rachael, I consider it an absolute requirement that she see Adam.

      • In real life, consequences also requires summoning courage and passion, perhaps a different type of courage and passion than that of the heart.

    • @alix-james, @luis, @lake : okay I will try to give everyone what they want.

    • I think what we want most is just for you to not to stop!! 🙂 Whichever way you go, I’m confident it will grip, and squeeze, tease, and please one way or another as it always does.

      The subtle building tension for me in this one has me holding my breath. It feels like those moments in the theatre when you know something big is about to happen, and it’s an effort to sit still in your seat and just let it happen… and some people start to crack and you hear them talking out loud to the screen!

    • Perhaps trust ( on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
      2.confident expectation of something; hope.)

    • @luis you are too funny!

    • I have a feeling I know what the feeling was that Luis was feeling 🙂

    • I’m not sure I can handle all this pressure!