
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago

    This is a challenge that @lake inspired over in the Erotic Photos section (and that is an open wager between us right now) and I liked the overall idea so well, I am reposting it as an actual experiment for others. There is a photo I posted in erotic photos which has a suit wearing mans hand and fingers delicately (or not so delicately depending on your disposition!) exploring a nude woman’s ass and crotch. She is exposed and appears to be tied up quite nicely and unable to resist his “attentions” wherever they might wander. So, if you need some inspiration, take a quick look over there, but if you get the idea, then let me suggest our “wager”. It was a contest between two people as to which among us might be able to produce the more rewarding/arousing/releasing results for a woman tied up and made available in such a way. All we need now is a volunteer!

    Someone whose only obligation would be to allow themselves to be stripped down, placed over each of our laps (say for 30 minutes each), possibly with some other…constraints…or restraints…(all of which would be negotiable of course), and make themselves passively available to allow us each to bestow each of our skills and creativity and imagination upon them with the goal of helping us determine which among us might succeed at delivering our subject the maximum amount of pleasure in our allotted time.
    Who here likes the idea of being stripped down, tied up and made available for lake and I to use as our ”means to an end”? [and there are soooo many meanings which could be attached to that to last phrase as to boggle the mind! “Means to an end” indeed!!!]

    More importantly, is there anyone here who might like to volunteer to actually do it? (And apologies to the broader community in in advance, but on this one I believe discretion may be the better part of valor, so a private message to either of us to explore THIS aspect of the challenge further seems perfectly appropriate!).

    So there you have it…the experiment is to give your thoughts to being the subject of such a test…

    And if you are really adventurous, to send us an email and offer to make it come true!

    I can not wait to see the “results”!!!


    • You may have to keep reminding me that I am not eligible to volunteer for this!

      • Well…..
        I guess that you COULD volunteer!

        I might be able to figure out SOMETHING as to how to bring the “contest” into such a situation…

        Or we could just self assess the response that we were able to create in one another…

        Let’s see if we can get the volunteer, but if not, I would have to think long and hard about accommodating such an offer (long and hard being an understatement!)


    • I vote for lake volunteering and james demostrating long and hard.