
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 9 months ago


    Nicole flips over her wet hair, giving it another towel dry, and puts it up in a quick ponytail. Putting a little moisturizer on her face, and she finishes with a little lip stain. Then sitting down on the locker bench, wondering if she should head home to make dinner or make other plans, she makes a call to Alex.

    “Hi, how’s it going? Are you headed home soon? I want to know what to do about eating.”

    “Hi. Ughhh I still have a little more to do. You go home first.”

    “Well how about if I pick up some soup and a baguette and come see your new office?”

    Alex groans at the prospective of food, “Oh that sounds GREAT. I haven’t eaten all day. What, a half hour? That will give me time to finish up here. We can eat and I’ll show you my new pigsty.”

    Nicole laughs, knowing full well it would be a pigsty, “Okay, you’ve got it. I’d be prepared; I’m dressed down and ready to roll around in mud.”

    He growls, “I might roll you around the floor, just so you know.”

    “Promise? See you in a bit.”

    Nicole quickly makes another call to order their food. Packing up her gym bag, she takes another look in the mirror. She gets an idea. Pulling down her pony tail and redoing her hair into two side braids, and topping off with the baseball cap, she sprints out to head over toward Alex’s office. It is a good thing there is a decent place for takeout meals near his building or he’d starve. The place is crowded; good thing she called ahead.

    Entering Alex’s building, Nicole approaches the security desk.

    “Food delivery for Mr. Alex Wilde.”

    The security guard calls and then directs her toward the elevators, “Twenty-fifth floor. Mr. Wilde will meet you by the elevators.”

    Nicole chuckles to herself as she gets off the elevator. After a minute, Alex appears to let her in.

    “Mr. Wilde? Your dinner is here.”

    Alex laughs to himself and takes a long minute to look her over thoroughly, “I’m very hungry. Perfect. Your……timing is perfect. Do you set it up or I just eat out of the bag?”

    “Sure, I can set up for you if you like.”

    Nicole toys with her braid, twirling it deliberately with a finger and follows him. Alex lets her into his new, very messy, office and scrambles to clear off the conference table. She puts out the soup, the bread, the spoons, and a little box holding a dessert.

    “How long you’ve been a delivery…person?” Alex asks.

    “Just this year. Need the money to help with college tuition, you know.”

    He smiles, nods, and pats his lap with a lecherous grin, “Yes, I understand. How about making a bigger tip?”

    Without skipping a beat, Nicole drapes herself across his lap and proceeds to feed him soup.

    “It’s cauliflower with peekytoe crab and roasted almonds. I hope you like it.”

    He savors it in his mouth, “Umm you’re right. It’s exceptionally delicious. And you’re so fluent with the menu.”

    Alex roams his hands on Nicole’s hips; his eyelids heavy and he moans as she feeds him more soup and some bread.

    After a decent number of bites, the nourishment hits his bloodstream, and Alex finally speaks again.

    “I didn’t realize how hungry I was. You provide great service, honey. Very facile. What is your name? I will have to ask for you again.”

    “It’s Nickie,” she laughs while she dips some bread into the soup before nibbling on it.

    “Nickie, Nickie. You do a great dinner and your ass fits really nice on my lap. I would make a big donation toward your college fund.”

    “Oh goodie! And I really need the help, you know, if I’m to finish,” she giggles in that tone she knows drives Alex crazy.

    He pinches Nicole’s hard nipples and rolls them between his thumb and forefinger. He starts lifting her top.

    “Will it cost extra to taste these tits?”

    She thrusts her breasts out further, feeling them ache and feeling tightness as her nipples elongate into hard points.

    “A little taste is on the house. Any more than that, yeah, cost you extra.”

    He brings his mouth down, giving each tight pink point a soft lick.

    “Tasty, quite tasty. What “more” do you do and how much extra?”

    “I didn’t bring a menu of the extras. I just thought I get a big tip for this.” With that, she proceeds to do a little grind dance on his lap, long enough to feel him getting harder. Then she says, “Maybe you could tell me what extra you like and I can let you know if I do it and how much extra.”

    The phone rings in the office. Reaching for the conference line on the table, Alex answers.

    “Alex Wilde. Oh yes, hi George, everything is fine. She’s not delivery. It’s my wife playing a trick on me. We’re just having a bite to eat. Yes, good, thanks for checking.”

    Nicole laughs, finishing her food.

    “Did they think I’ve murdered you?”

    Alex clears the table of the food containers with one arm. Then with both arms, he lifts Nicole up onto the conference table, his mouth coming down on hers. Her arms wrap around his neck; her legs around his legs.

    “You know they think I’m screwing some little schoolgirl,” he says, while tugging and pulling at her braids.

    “Well, you are, just virtually,” nibbling at his carotid.

    “Ummmm yes, remind me to talk to you about Rachel later,” he murmurs into her hair.

    Alex fingers the length of Nicole’s braids while he darts his tongue into her mouth.

    “I want a school trip around the world. Interested?”

    She sucks his tongue and sweeping it around and around with hers, giving him a little preview.

    “Yes, I can do that. ”

    “How much, Nickie?” he asks, as he reaches for the back of his pants for his wallet.

    Her mouth drops down to suck his throat; her hands pulling his shirt out from his pants. Zippppppppp…. and her small hand grasps him.

    “I take wire transfers.”

    • What do you want to be next?

    • I’m still sitting here picturing Nicole, naked wrapped in a towel with freshly stained lips on one of the benches at the locker room at the gym… Just within reach…

    • OMG and now I’m picturing me in the office, it’s been one of those days, it’s ten I’m still there, I never got out for lunch, have had maybe a handful of almonds all day… and she’s on my lap feeding me peekytoe crab, and its savory and warm and it starts to restore my being I am starting to feel like a human being again and I’m pissed I’ve spent so much of my life these last few days being such a machine and now I want none of it. Now I want to shove everything off my desk, with great drama, and hear the loud crash before I ravage this gentle creature, whose provided me what I need, whose been so deliberate and accommodating, who is the one person who has asked nothing from me all day in this vacuum of demand that I live in. She is my haven and I must push all of myself into her, this where I should need apply myself, my power, my energy… I will have her and she will have me and the rest of this shit is going to wait!

      • Yes, yes, the rest will have to wait.

        • Come and taunt me, enchant me, distract me, feed me… Come focus me… Let me shed my skin, and stand in all ways naked before you, pour myself into you and be accepted… I will not miss such a moment, I will not hesitate, I will not take your offering for granted… Have mercy on me, let my gratitude wrap you in ecstasy.

          • It is difficult to decipher if there is any difference between acceptance and ecstasy.

            • Indeed dear Mallory indeed. If the gift is appreciated by both for what it is, they are indeed difficult to distinguish.

          • I’ve come to taunt you, lake, to tell you I’m working on the long await conversation between Alex and Nicole.

            • Your timing is impeccable, Sunday is my long run miles and miles to let my mind travel over any idea we can manage to set it to before I head out.