
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    Same question for the men:

    1. What melts you ?
    2. What arouses you?
    3. What wins your devotion?

    • Come on guys… I want you to spill it! I’ll even put some skin in the game, if three people answer, I’ll post a new pic.

    • I meant three guys have to answer this question… However, since I find the two of you completely irresistible and I love Duke’s answers, AND I am horny now… I will go and post. Note, this game is not over, if we still get to three, I will… shall we say… up the ante on what I post… Either better focus or less clothes… we shall see how your answers have me feeling.

    • 1) Melts me…witnessing the shudder of a woman as a wave of pleasure momentarily overwhelms her and she relaxes into it…accepts it…embraces it and allows it to course through her body and take her deeper into her head…more into the moment and less concerned with whatever else is going on around her

      2) Arouses me…glimpses of unfiltered beauty…an act…a striking visual image of a womans physical self…sometimes because she has out herself on display in HOW she acts or dresses or allows herself to be seen…but it is even more arousing when it is a unexpected peek…a stolen glance…into her true natural self (and yes I am a big time vouyer so I am always looking!)

      3) my devotion…a woman who knows that I am watching…doesn’t change or filter herself in response to knowing that I am looking…accepts what it does to me and lets me inside to share and celebrate who she is as a person, as a physical being and as a woman!

      • One and two are so very you James, three surprised me, not that it doesn’t fit, but that it was your response to that particular question. At first it seemed too passive, but then I realized it is all about acceptance and being or authenticity, and that fit well with your comments about separating or not associating love directly with someone’s actions treating it as a commodity, but rather taking it for what it is and in the context of the whole person… and then I got it đŸ™‚