
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    For the women :

    1. What melts you ?
    2. What arouses you?
    3. What wins your devotion?

    • I will answer the easiest first. Aroused most by anticipation, variety, sensuality, intelligence, generousity, attention to detail.

      • I’m gonna go out on a limb here Mallory and say… I think you would find me very arousing… Now if only I could get you to let me test this theory!

    • Devotion–
      Relentless desire to maintain discovery process.

    • What melts me?

      I don’t know.

    • You know 😉

    • What Melts Me
      Guys are wonderful at saying they are going to savor every inch of your body. I melt when I am with someone that makes me feel this… experience every inch as a wonderland and reminds me of it all the time, not just when we are making love. Hands slowly moving down the full length of my waist and over the top of my ass when we meet. My fingers in his mouth. A kiss on the top of the shoulder when I’m strapless, a nuzzle on the back of the neck when I’m busy with something else. Backs of the fingers playing across my chest and along the edges of my v neck while I’m talking. Fingertips on the inside of my arm. Unexpectedly taking my hand. Lips brushed along my cheek. A bite on the knuckle of my foot. Flat palm over my heart. Tongue on the backs of my knees and up my thighs. A firm grip or nails… oh god anywhere, like you will never let go… Oh wait I think I am crossing over now, so let’s go on to…

      What Arouses Me
      Your Arousal. Hot, burning, and coming for me. The more ways you can convey it the hotter it is… Mentally, emotionally, physically I want to be overwhelmed by it, I want it raw and real… shoots me into overdrive every time.

      And onto the Last
      Have some shit figured out, reach and keep reaching, really see me, appreciate what’s extraordinary, be expressive, and completely authentic in every aspect of our interaction.

      • Check…Check…and…Double Check!!!!

        Well then…it is settled…at least in these regards it seems that we might be a perfect match!

        Considering that I am one who is always ready willing and able to celebrate good fortune (others as much as my own!), it seems that all we have left to do now is consummate our incredible luck in having found one another?!?

        What do you think?

        Care to celebrate!?!


        • Well then if it’s settled 🙂 … And of course you are going to need someone to take pictures for you to satisfy Mallory… It almost seems like fighting destiny to resist at this point, and I definitely wouldn’t want to do that.

    • What Melts Me?

      I thought about this one a lot. I really did not have a ready answer, lake. I think what could really get to me is the rare occasion when someone sees with great clarity, a part of me that no one else bothers to understand or uncover.

      • I can’t yet claim to have a complete picture of you just yet Mrs. Mallory (you are a complex one – but you already knew that didn’t you!), but I do believe I have already formed a a pretty exceptional insight in you and SEE many parts of your true (and often hidden) self much more clearly than you are probably ready to admit! I guess I say this because I found your response a little perplexing because surely you know what WOULD make you melt even if it doesn’t happen as often or as completely as you might like… I thing of “melting” as being those things others do that touches us so deeply or profoundly that we momentarily swoon…cause us to suspend logic and/or better judgement in a way that does one of two things…allows us to experience and indulge in our more base fundamental natures (even if just within ourselves) or, more powerfully, might allow someone to grow closer to us by letting them a little deeper inside, inspire us to open up a bit more and sharing a little bit more of ourselves..inspire us to take a chance that they might push another of those buttons that we most want to have pressed.

        In other words…those things that make us “melt” are the stepping stones, the baby steps forward (and admittedly for some of us even those things that compel us to sometimes make blind leaps!) forward along the way to connecting in as deep and fundamental a way as possible with another person.

        Hopefully this may help contextualize how I read the question and why I can almost instantly come up with dozens (possibly even hundreds) of little things that strike a certain undeniable chord within me. Surely you have a few more of your own


        PS: OK…I admit that I am over thinking this a bit because you already know how much I want to make you melt, and anything that I can get on this front would be put to good use!

        Also, you really do have so much to offer to others…I really do believe that you are unique and special and gifted and arousing and attractive and beautiful in so many ways…and I can not stand the thought of keeping all of that bottled up and withheld and not expressed and displayed as brilliantly and beautifully as possible!!!

        That would be a travesty…let us all adore you for who you really are!

    • To instill trust, to be trustworthy, to protect and nurture and respect those thoughts, feelings, and wants of another person that make them feel most revealed, most vulnerable… What more powerful way is there to build a heartstopping, unforgettable bond and to cultivate a dynamic infused with reverie?

    • Thank you barrister, your participation is absolutely counted, enjoyed, and anticipated. I shall attempt my upload again… See if it works.. Then I have to run to dinner!

    • I love this, I am sure you have made everyone quite jealous of Mrs Barrister!

    • Oh, there is much Mrs Barrister has to be thankful for, but my jealousy tends more towards Mr. Barrister! One would think that having someone so unselfishly devoted to them in the ways Mr. barrister has described as the ideal, but it actually works both ways…I am jealous of his having found a woman who will let him inside to such a degree…to such depths…to have inspired that devotion!!! And what a truly beautiful thing to experience mutual devotion that allows our fundamental natures to be revealed…our true wants and needs and desires to be expressed even when they don’t fit with traditional expectations or norms (cant be defined or contained in some simple and neat little box!)…and can be indulged and experienced (even revered) without fear or guilt or shame…and ultimately that creates that dynamic, constantly evolving pathway of inspiration between two people in a long term relationship!!!

      Now THAT is a way of relating with others that is worthy of true jealousy!!!

      And since I am a grown man who has chosen to accept my own role in creating my destiny…who actively works to make exactly what I want and desire and need most to happen…and most of all since I am not prone to jealousy…I simply admire you both and can not wait to learn how your own efforts coupled with that devotion might be revealing and arousing and rewarding for us all (and I do so hope you continue to share as it evolves)!!!


      PS: I am fascinated how much you are a man after my own heart Mr. Barrister…one who reveres those unique and exceptional traits that certain women possess, and who knows that through expressing and embracing and encouraging and earning their trust, that they may express and offer their special gifts MORE fully and completely not just for our own enjoyment but for everyone’s pleasure and enjoyment (which clearly you also enjoy seeing as much as I do)!!! There really is nothing more beautiful in my mind than seeing someone else realize and become to most brightly shining, vibrant and radiating, best version of themselves in all of the spectacular ways that we see them to be.

      Bravo…I am really pleased to have experienced your thoughts and contributions…and I hope you might continue to share your thoughts and fantasies and experiences going forward. I assure you that there is much that myself and others could take from your participation!