
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago


    Oh how he loves that look of longing on Nicole. It fills him up with pride and lust. Yes, she is ready. He is more than ready. Getting up, he starts to cross the room to her, watching her eye the waitress some more as her legs dangle and swing slightly from the bar stool. He is not even half way across the room when his cellphone vibrates against his chest. He ignores it. It stops and starts to vibrate again. It is his boss, what the hell? Picking up the call as he reaches Nicole. One arm going around her shoulders, the other lifting the phone to his ear.

    “Alex, we need you back at the office in 30 minutes. We are letting Jeff go. We want to talk to you about what happens next.”

    “I just arrived to celebrate my anniversary with Nicole,” watching her eyes light up.

    “Sorry about interrupting, Alex. This is important. You need to get back here.”

    Cupping her jawline, tracing her lips with his thumb, “Okay, I’m on my way, be there shortly.”

    He swallows hard as her face falls.

    “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Jeff is being let go. They want me back at the office. You may be looking at the next Executive VP. Have a little fun here. Meet me at home? We will celebrate later; I will make it up to you.”

    Part disappointed and furious, part filled with pride, “It’s Thursday night, they can’t do this tomorrow??”

    “I don’t know,” shaking his head.

    It took everything she got to take the high road, and to give him a lingering kiss, “I’ll see you home, Mr Executive Vice President.”


    I watch the brief exchange after the guy finally shows up for this beautiful woman, and his departure in less than five minutes. I’ve been here for an hour already so that means she had been waiting even longer. I continue glancing at her reflection in the mirror. She must have sense my watching. It did not take her long to straighten up to uphold that stiff upper back. What the hell? Worst is she shoots me down again.

    “You could just sit at a table with me and have some dinner. It will kill an hour for you. We don’t even have to talk. You can just let me look at you.”

    She jerks her head up, a little startled, “What? Are you talking to me?”

    “Yes, I am. I’m Adam, by the way.”

    I hold her glaze until she looks away, “Just an entree. You don’t even have to get an appetizer. No dessert. Coffee or tea, only if you need some caffeine.”

    Her eyes widen and then she actually laughs.

    “Can I have a little wine with the entree?” she asks.

    “Maybe just a little wine pairing,” I try to give her my best smile.

    “And no talking.”

    “No talking required.”

    She extends her hand out to me, “I’m Nicole. By the way.”


    Adam takes Nicole’s hand with his right hand, stands up, cups her elbow with his left to help her down from the bar stool. The pretty waitress brings them to the table Nicole and Alex reserved. He is thinking about how did he just get this to happen and how is he going to not screw it up? She is asking herself how did she just agree to this? They spend the next ten minutes reading the menu in silence. As it turns out, the menu needs quite a bit of concentration.

    Nicole looks up with a chuckle, “what is roasted flying pigs pork presse?”

    “That must just be a name,” Adam laughs with her. “What is pecan foam?”

    She shakes her head, “NO idea.”

    “Well, I’m going to have that, roasted skate with pecan foam.”

    “Um, since I can only have an entree, I think I will skip the flying pigs and have the halibut with crusted sea scallops.”

    The waitress is there before they even attempt to look for her. She takes their orders quickly and disappears. Nicole and Adam spend the next couple of minutes looking around the room and touching the silverware in pretense of adjusting the placements.

    Adam clears his throat, “I work around here. This is my second time here. They really do have a decent wine list.”

    “Did you have plans?”

    “No, I was going to come in for a drink to relax and go back to the office,” he paused, “but now, I’m not going back.”

    “It is just an entree,” she smiles a teasing smile, “you have time to go back to it.”

    “Yes, but no longer the focus.”

    After another long minute, he volunteers, “I’m in finance.”

    “Oh. That’s ….impressive. I don’t understand any of that stuff,” she shifts in the seat, careful not to understand more.

    He thinks this is going to be like pulling teeth but presses on, “give me a little picture……please. Do you sit in a cubicle? Share an office?”

    “No, I have my own office.”

    “OH. Your own private office!! Have you and the hubby ever done it in your private office?”

    Nicole’s mouth opens, her eyes and face in amused astonishment. After a long pause, she answers, “yes.”

    They both laugh and then she asks, “And you?”

    “I have an office. It is totally transparent; you know, all glass, pretty much. And no, I haven’t. But I wouldn’t mind trying that.”

    They both reach for their water glass. Avoiding each other’s eyes, they play with silverware placement once again.


    They both let out a barely audible sigh of relief when they are offered a selection of bread. Carbs, a reassuring distraction.

    Breaking off a generous piece, he offers it to Nicole and then helps himself to some butter, “I guess you were not coming from work. All dressed up like that.”

    “Thank you. Uh, no, not from work.”

    “Do you wear dresses to work? Or it’s all about suits?”

    “No,” she chuckles softly, “no suits. No dresses. Just shirt and pants, actually.”

    “Covering up those killer legs? That’s a damn shame. All the guys at the office must be disappointed.”

    “No, they’re not,” she pauses, “I run.”

    “Do you? I run too! How much, how often? I try to get in three or four times a week. Between six to eight miles.”

    “Five to six days a week. About five miles or so.”

    He glances down, as if looking at her legs through the table. “I always wear pants too, so the women don’t really know about my legs, which aren’t yours, but they’re not too bad.”

    Nicole laughs and nods at his suit, “I guess this is your typical armor?”

    “Yep, this is the usual uniform. Where do you run? I stay mainly outdoors unless it is raining or snowing.”

    “I stay mainly indoors except during spring and fall. I’m not very hard core; I need climate control.”

    “Was tonight a special celebration? Birthday?”

    “You ask a lot of questions.”

    “Yeah, it’s a front for checking you out without appearing too creepy.”

    She laughs, “anniversary.”

    “WOW,” he had thought it was the guy’s birthday.

    She looks back at him, a long ten seconds of silence, “you overhead us.”

    “Yes, I did.”

    “Humans want more, what they do not yet have.”

    “Such as a career move.”

    “Yes, that is one example.”

    “That is a very interesting observation, or commentary.”

    With a serious face, she says “well, think about it. You are more likely to be in hot pursuit of someone you have not yet conquered. Desire wanes after you get them, right?”

    She gives him a cool little smile while he mulls over what she is saying.

    “You make good points. Certainly, I am always looking to the next deal. And yes, it would only be honest to admit I’m a dog, now that you have me thinking about it in that light. This is going really badly for me, huh?”

    “No, don’t worry, here comes our entrees. We can eat food instead.”


    It seems like half an hour before I flag down a cab and another half an hour before I get to my office building. I probably needed however much time that was; I think I am breathing normal again. Get a grip. I push the plans I had with Nicole out of my mind. Never mind the images of how fucking hot she is and who she might be fending off. I smile as I imagine maybe she is picking up that knockout waitress for us. I just feel awful leaving her but I love that about Nicole. She gets this.

    I get up to my office with my boss and the board waiting for me. They tell me again that Jeff is being let go and how they see it going down tomorrow. I am to assemble the team in the morning, inspire their hope, move them forward. Will I accept the executive VP position? Hell, yeah. We will have a series of strategy meetings next week. No problem, I will clear my schedule. Now, why don’t I go on back to my lovely wife? You bet.

    I am on top of the world. I even get a cab right away. Once in, I grab my cellphone out. I guess I should text her. I laugh to myself. Who knows? Maybe she is getting picked up.

    Hi sweetheart I got it EVP!
    Im on my way home
    R u done? Meet me home
    If u get in before me look in the foyer closet.
    I got u something from La Perla

    I sink back in the seat, euphoric. I look at my cell again after another five minutes. Nothing. I hope it is the waitress.

    Looking at the other cars on the road and noting the speed, I sigh. It is going to be a while getting home.


    Hey. What happen thought u r celebrating anniversary

    Yeah but duty called. Guess what


    If u ever agree to meet me, u be meeeting an Exec VP

    OMG thats GREAT. Congrats!! How r u gonna celebrate

    Im going home to fuck N. But I want to fuck u too

    Lol ur bad

    I know.

    I luv it

    Set your cell to vibrate lets play alphabet

    OMG k

    Touch yourself r u wet


    Pull everything off cept your panties


    Lets see how long it takes this time for u to cum

    God Alex u make me wet

    Shhhh now put the phone on your clit tell me after u cum

    • Well…you have certainly added a twist with this revelation…a naughty little insight into Alex and possibly into his relationship with Nicole…what’s it mean…what’s it say about him…about Nicole…how does that work (or not work) in strengthening their relationship? And what exactly is Nicole thinking about her polite but determined dinner partner…where might that head…and how will Alex react if she brings him home as part of their anniversary celebration? This could go lots of different ways…with lots of different motivations and meanings! Mrs. Mallory you DO love to play with complex knots don’t you!

      Makes me realize just how much fun it would be to tie you up with a few knots I have learned over the years!!!

      • Yes, there can be so much pleasure in complexity.

        • Indeed there is, but it can be a double edged sword…for every additional way that pleasure may be taken, it also becomes harder to unravel all those little barriers… But when the walls DO come tumbling down…look out because there is so much held inside!!! Now that is a show I do not want to miss!!!