
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    For what and/or for whom do you yearn?

    • Master always.

      Freedom, acceptance, courage, love, intimacy, play, being caught up in wild raucous moments, epiphany, connection, being taken, being impressed, being surprised, being cared for, being valued, being seen and understood, acknowledgement, perfect service, meaning, growth, expansion, integrity, vulnerability, inspiration, sensation, intensity

      I suppose it may have something to do with him being the most powerful source of all of the above.

      • I yearn most for TRUTH. For the wild and unexpected and beautiful and seemingly endless inspiration which comes from TRUTH! And although there are a few universal truths, to be clear those are largely not the ones I seek. The TRUTH I speak of is largely NOT some universal thing…it is often situational…it varies…it changes over time…it is unique and different for each and every one of us…it reflects our individual differences and perspectives and experiences and skills and abilities and talents and, most of all, our unique gifts!

        It is in these truths, that I find enlightenment and perspective and inspiration. Really “knowing” about someone or something helps me understand and process and contextualize not only them but myself. It motivates me to look inside and explore and try something different or new…in a sense an acknowledgment and acceptance that I don’t really “know” everything about myself even in those areas where I really believe I already might. This open, expansive perspective allows me to accept others for who they are, including their own incongruities, inconsistencies, and imperfections – because just like I don’t have a perfect understanding of myself, I don’t believe that anyone else really has it all figured out either. (Which is one reason I question or am uncomfortable with or outright avoid those that think they do!) I would much rather meet and interact with a real and honest and expressed and vulnerable and acknowledged “imperfect” person who has found the courage to try and understand who they really are and is willing to work (or at the point in their lives when they want or need to finally or accept themselves more fully in order to move forward and become who they are really supposed to be).
        My own perspective and my own desire to see behind the facade, my own willingness to accept who someone else really is, and my own acceptance of the fact that who I really am and who they really as may not warrant or justify us getting to know one another better (I try not to bring an agenda or goal to such things), is what I believe allows me to connect with others in a way that I find to be the most intimate and real and rewarding way possible…a way which allows for meaningful interaction and growth and which might feeds off itself as two unique individuals energies interact and swirls around and merge and split apart and create new energies…the energies to inspire and motivate and take each person further along their own respective paths…sometimes together…sometimes apart…

        Lastly, I DO so love being let into others inner circle…”getting” it…”knowing” what few others might ever know…and watching as someone blossoms and grows into the best version of themselves…the joy that experiencing and witnessing that gives me…the satisfaction that comes from having been some part of that…and from all that I take and learn from it knowing that it will help me become the absolutely best version of MY-self!!!

        Yes…without a doubt, this is what I yearn for most!
        And in case my language was too conceptual and introspective and philosophical and indirect…it is through relating to others in this way which has lead to some of the most connected and exquisite and transcendental sex of my entire life!!!

        I LOVE finding others who are seeking the same (or at a point in their lives where they are at least willing to try something so different!)


        • There was a time, when I thought certain things about myself were fact – just always going to be so about me. After the fourth or fifth time of having one of these ‘facts’ completely unravel in new situations or because of a shift in my thinking, I too stopped believing that who I know myself to be is fixed. I think we are so much more infinite and so much less fragile than we ever believe.