lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 6 months ago
It had been ten days since my hands had rested upon Master’s chest. Ten days since his caresses had traveled down the length of my spine. I was ragged, restless, and hungry for his body, his touch, and oh yes, his cock. I was one hour now from having it all! I’ll I could think about was what would please him most. My mind was frantically running through options, both those i had already settled on and others i might decide to work in after all. There was what I considered required, but I also wanted to surprise him.
Typically, i am far more comfortable in a suit and fashionable, but sensible shoes than a lightweight dress and constricting heels. But today, today was all for Master. Three and a half inch black patent leather pumps, that made me almost 6’4″. Ultra sheer thigh highs with four inches of lace at the top. No panties. Freshly tended pussy as smooth as my Armani silk shirt, that feels like liquid when I’m wearing it… Except of course, for the two inch tuft of long hair in the front which Master insists that I keep, so he can grab hold and move me around. My black dress was more of a slip than a dress and cut in front to below my sternum. My make up was fresh, but light, no more than I would wear going to work – and no lipstick allowed. My hair however, instead of pinned tight, up off my neck and tucked behind my ears, was loose and curly… wild, like I felt. I might be in trouble for this, but there was nothing that was going to be gentle about today anyway.
I left the house with my heart pounding. As I walked, I felt myself move closer to him with every step. i could feel him moving in and out of me. I felt not just my own slickness, but the actual machinations that generated it. It was a tug, then a tightening and finally a bearing down. God, I wanted his fingers inside of me… once i’d had the thought, i couldn’t stop it. Soon I was soaking, my thighs were slippery and my arousal wasn’t going anywhere, but up. i was standing on the subway platform now half delirious with need. Thirty 30 minutes… Less than thirty minutes!
I arrived at the hotel. I positioned myself on a couch opposite a mirror that covered the whole wall floor to ceiling. There was a coffee table in front of me that was just higher than my knees. I wanted to be especially explicit in demonstrating my openness to him and full acceptance of his ownership. When he saw me, i wanted his mind to be flooded by the thought of what a wanton sexual animal he had in his possession… wanted him to see what he has done to me… to sense without question that i am here, available to him for his every use.
To that end, I adjusted my cleavage, scooted out to the end of the couch and then let my knees fall apart. Then I began adjusting the hem of my dress. First to above the tops of my garters. I noted that I could now see the lips of my pussy clearly under the table in the mirror. It wasn’t enough. I needed to go farther than I ever had gone on my own before. I needed there to be no ambiguities, it had to be clear that there is nothing held back from him. I could already feel the air moving across my bare lips. I was nervous, but determined and though my hands moved slowly they did move. I used them to set the hem right at the very tops of my legs. I was holding my breath when i lifted again and started to move it further yet. Looking down i could now see my exposure full and almost immediately felt a wave of pure adrenaline roll through me. I was shaking, but finally I looked as receptive and blown open as I felt.
It was so hard to hold. There were a million rational reasons to shift, but it took only one thought to over ride them all, ‘Master was coming’. I began having spasms, small quick contractions up my thighs and between my legs. As i forced myself to hold my knees apart, they grew harder and began coming faster… the seat beneath me was soon a mess. God, i needed him here!! The whole of my legs and hips and up to my waist vibrated with heat and energy. I knew I’d fuck him right there in the lobby if he so chose. I tried closing my eyes, but that only made it worse, the second I lost my ability to track who was around me, my body started feeding me more adrenaline.
Oh crud, somehow I cut and pasted wrong and lost the last three paragraphs… Now that is frustrating!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Write it again, I need to know!
I am such a lazy writer, and I hate re doing something after its done… Only you could get me to go back to this. This is not as good as the first version (that is my story and I’m sticking to it) but I tried to get the gist of it down again. Hope you enjoy.
REUNION (continued)
The push was too much, I needed to find some control, I switched to focusing on my breathing, using my breath to circulate all the energy… push it out to my extremities and pull it away from my center. At the same time, i was careful not to inhale too quickly or too deeply, which i knew could easily start moving me in the other direction. It was working, but then my own mind turned against me. It was on his side, it wanted him, was ready for him and thoughts now were only of him… Him hard, pressing full against the front of his pants. The smells and warmth and rush of excitement when I pull his waistband away from his body; anxiously, greedily peeking over the top. ‘Fuuuccckkkkk, I was going to explode!’ My fingers moved to my clit. I hesitated for a moment, until i thought, he hadn’t told me not too. Then i leaned back, sunk into the couch, and brought myself twice.
Afterward, I sat back up, and looked in the mirror. Damn what a hot scene that was. There was a huge vase of purple orchids behind me, and Vivaldi was playing from somewhere in the background. My skin was flush, as if I’d been misted with a spray can of pink gloss paint. Suddenly, a wave of panic hit me, and i reached for my mobile to see if there was a message from him. I had stopped listening for footsteps around me… then Oh God, out of nowhere he was just there. My head started to spin, as if I hadn’t been expecting him the whole time.
Instead of taking the spot next to me on the couch, he stepped over my leg and stood between my legs facing me. I took this as permission, and immediately fell onto his cock. My hands, mouth, my face traveling over him, tracing him, moving over and down. I was so starved for this. Eventually, my hands slid around behind him. i cupped his perfect ass cheeks and pressed him hard into my face. He put both of his hands on my head and held me still against him. I immediately wrapped my arms around him hugging his legs. I could have died there.
Slowly, he sat down on the coffee table facing me. His knees against mine pressing them wider apart. His hands had stayed on my head, but now they rested on either side of my face. My eyes locked onto his… beautiful, magical, golden flecked. As I was drowning there, I barely heard him say in a pleased tone, “you dressed for me”, but his smile… his smile was everything to me. As I swooned he pulled me to him and placed the softest of kisses on my lips. Then one of his hands dropped away from my face, i felt his fingers slide inside me… and the world was just gone.
OMG, lake, thank you. I felt every bit of that raw hunger you have for each other.
What a lovely recounting of your experience…I am sure that your M was very proud of you!!!