
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is on your Fantasy List?
    The Great Outdoors

    You wake up and crawl out of the tent. A modest breakfast is laid out on the makeshift table and there is a paper rolled into a scroll tucked under the plate. You open it and find a rudimentary treasure map with a hand drawn pornographic picture where the X would be. You chuckle and begin to eat while your mind wanders lackadaisicly. The air smells so fresh and clean, it seems you just naturally breath deeper with every inhale. Your struck by how easy it is to still your mind here. The moisture in the air feels like the gentlest of kisses along the whole of your skin. You lift your food with your fingers and mindlessly nibble, caught up in observing your surroundings. It is all so expansive and connected and every day you feel more a part of it.

    Soon you’ve finished and attended to a few things and find yourself slipping on your sneakers. The treasure map is back in your hand. As you walk stepping over various obstacles, the rhythm of the exertion starts to sync with the sounds around you. Your thoughts are so clear and crisp. Time ceases to be a recognizable concept, everything flows, there is no beginning or end. You notice a landmark and check the map to see which way to turn and continue on. The trees start to thin. You step into a meadow and the full sun hits your face, it feels like an energy source and you soak it in. The grass is almost knee high with purple and white flowers dancing in every direction for over a mile in every direction. There is a small brook across the meadow from you, I’m standing near it doing tai chi. You realize I’m also naked. You start to trek across the meadow, taking your time. You brushing the tops of the higher flowers with your fingers as you go.

    As you get closer you realize my eyes are closed. You inch in, but stop just out of reach. You are very still. As I move through the kata eventually I turn and sweep my hand making contact with your body. I freeze, but don’t open my eyes. Then very slowly, I stand upright and step closer to you, using my hands to position myself right in front of you. You raise your arms and settle your palms on either side of my face, let them run down to my neck. I smile and inhale deeply, my chest lifts. You smile back, I can’t see it but I feel it, feel it through the pulse in your hands and in the taste of the air between us.

    Your hands move down my neck over my shoulders and down my arms, then up over my belly to my breasts. i shiver as you let your finger tips graze them. Then you are squeezing harder, bearing down on my nipples. I open my eyes, we are looking directly into each other’s faces. The thought, ”i love you” floods me and your eyes twinkle as if I had actually spoken the words. I reach out for your c0ck, your shorts slip down with barely a tug. You are hard and your c0ck stands out from your body. The air moves over and between us, our mouths find each other and the intimacy of it is sublime, for a time we become lost in that kiss.

    Then you are pushing me down, the grass gives underneath me and you are over me, sliding your spear into me, entering me, pressing and filling. Every part of me adheres to you… constricts down onto your so hard cock, squeezing till I can feel your ridge riding up and over every contour of my pussy, which is getting wetter and wetter, the sensation changes as you move more easily now and you press deeper. Slow and steady. We are drinking each other in where our fingers touch and our gazes touch and where your most intimate self is hilt deep in mine and grinding down and then up again and we rise and fall and pant and sweat and feel and those things just get bigger and bigger and the grass moves around us from the breeze… tickling then dancing away up and down the length of our bodies. We keep fucking. And then we are cumming and the roar is eaten by the openess and I close my mouth down around the flesh of your shoulder and we wrap ourselves around each other and roll and frolic and crush a lot more grass.

    • I was expecting you would appreciate this one SIr 🙂 thank you. I do hope this is not the last we hear of those ideas!

      In the woods, I feel the city slip out of me, I feel those ‘primal’ things rise up to take back that space. I hear bird songs run from beginning to end. I feel dawn and dusk and twilight rise and fall with all my senses. I gaze up at the stars and ponder infinity. It is a quality of peace and quiet that is otherwise absent in the day to day traverses of a city life with the never ending trimmings and trappings. Every now and again, we all need to jump 15 feet or so into a cold natural running body of water, then have to swim hard to bring ourselves in to the shore… it reminds me that i am an animal after all, that there is so very little that I actually need, but that those things are absolutely vital.